Monday, September 25, 2006


7:00 a.m. Clocked in for work.

7:45 a.m. Had a long conversation with department director about my weekend.

8:00 a.m. Saw three consecutive patients and their families.

11:00 a.m. Spoke at length with a physician on the merits of starting Vince Young over Kerry Collins when playing the Cowboys next Sunday.

11:15 a.m. Said hi and waved to girlfriend's best friend at work.

12:00 p.m. Went to lunch. Stood in very long line to have lunch in crowded cafeteria.

12:34 p.m. Realized that my fly had been wide open since I had put my pants on this morning.



  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Thanks for saying hi to my best friend.

  2. Will they call this movie

    Snakes in a Cave ?

  3. "snakes in a cave" hahahahaha Priceless.

    I found your blog through your girlfriend's blog. I love the term 'batshit' and I love that other people use it, too. There is one level of crazy beyond batshit, normally referred to as bugf*ck. That's usually the level I hit immediately. lol

  4. I don't understand not telling people when this happens--after all, the Golden Rule, right?
