Bat shit crazy is one step beyond just plain crazy. It is usually a temporary thing...sparked by something unexpected, or just really awful. ex: As soon as he saw me humping his mom, he went bat shit crazy.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I made it, I guess. The Girlfriend and I managed to move everything we own to Nashvegas with little more than a couple of cross words and some bruises. She did a great job of finding us a house and the dogs love their new backyard. Yesterday, I had to run some errands and found nirvana. Women may or may not understand this, I'm not sure, but when I came across "Dodson's Barbershop" I spun the Batmobile around and practically ran into the shop.
A little background would be helpful I guess. I used to get my hair cut at "City Barbers" in Memphis. I couldn't understand a damn thing the old geezers in there were saying. I swear one of them looked and sounded just like Floyd from "The Andy Griffith Show." They would cut your hair with clippers, shave the back of your neck with a straight razor (after stropping it just like you see in the movies), trim your eyebrows, snip any errant nose hairs and just generally spruce you up so that maybe a member of the opposite sex would give you a second look. All of that for six bucks.
Then I moved to a much smaller town in West Tennessee. You'd think that barbers would be plentiful in a town that thinks an "Olive Garden" is a really big deal, but no such luck. I endured six years of going to "Supercuts" or "Fantastic Sam's." Not that they did a bad job, you can only screw my hair up so much, but these were hair salons, not barbershops.
Now I'm in Nashvegas and I've found "Dodson's." They have a trophy bass mounted on the wall next to a picture of John Wayne. There is a Snap-on Tools calendar that's about three years old hanging by the entrance and and all of the barbers still put tonic in their hair to slick it back in a pompadour. A barbershop is just a man's place. I can't explain it, but finding one is going to make this transition that much easier.
when i was a lil' pixie, my dad used to go to a shop just like what you described. i loved it that he'd always take me there with him although i wasn't too thrilled with the hair cuts they gave me (think: bowl cut morphed w/ dorothy hamill - gawd the 70's were rough!).