Sunday, January 21, 2007


If you've come here looking for gossip or some cutesy little anecdote about my family, then go ahead and click on next blog button now. I wanna talk about HOCKEY! The Girlfriend and I went to the game last night and managed to see the Predators handle the Blackhawks 6-3. My favorite player, Marek Zidlicky, got into a scrap with the Hawk's Smolinski in the first 30 seconds of the game. I knew it was gonna be a good one at that point. (FYI: Alexander Radulov is giving Zidlicky a run for his money as my fav player.) Long story short, after trading goals in the first period, the Preds put the Hawk's away in the third to finish the first half of the season with the most points in the NHL. That's right suckers, PREDS NUMBER ONE!!! It would be tough for Nashville to miss the playoffs at this point and if they keep playing they way they have they should get the number one seed. Hopefully this is followed by excellent play in the post season and, dare I say it?, the Stanley Cup!!! Some of you may recall that on my last trip to Vegas, I put $50 down on the Pred's to win the whole damn thing. At 15-1 it will easily pay for another trip to sin city.

A couple of game related notes. David Legwand got a hat trick. Three goals scored in a game. If you have never seen it happen, it's a lot of fun. Everybody throws their hat onto the ice. I mention it mostly because of who scored the trick. Jim Plunkett has officially been passed as the ugliest man to ever play professional sports. When Legwand is on the ice and smiles? You can tell he has no teeth from the other side of the arena. Poor bastard.

Also, The Girlfriend and I decided to go watch the post game interview for a local radio station. We knew that they always did one somewhere in the arena after the game, we always listen to it on the way home. So, after doing some checking around, The Girlfriend finds out that it is being held in the Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 Club on the suite level. Now, we had always wanted to check it out, but I was under the misconception that you had to be a full season ticket holder to get inside. The Girlfriend talks to an usher, he asks to see our tickets and says "see that letter code in the upper left hand corner? That means you can get into the club at any time. SAWEET!!! We went into the club, which is quite swanky, with dark wood paneling and nice linen. It just looks like a great place.
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So, since The Girlfriend is being such a good sport about going to see the pretax play the Sharks on Valentine's Day, I told her we could get dressed up and go to the club for dinner before the game. I think that made her a little happier about Valentine's spent at the hockey game. At least I hope so.

Secrest out.


  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Did your night end THERE? I recall more for some reason. Maybe it was your beer that made you forget a few details.

    The Jack Daniels club is going to be nice. I was impressed. It'll make the most romantic day of the year BETTER for us. It's not Clearwater, FL, by any means, but we'll enjoy ourselves.

    BTW my ass still hurts.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    You have such a tight girlfriend, Bat.

  3. Yeah. Tight. Everyone is tight these days... I wonder if I'm tight. I must go find out.

    Put ice on your ass flatty.... good God.

  4. wonder if you are tight? If you have to ask, you aren't.
