I've been on call all weekend. How busy that makes you depends on the physician on call with you. If he wants to work, you work. That aside, there are always emergencies. Friday night, about eleven, we were called in for what's known as an S-T elevated myocardial infarction, a heart attack. The patient was young, under fifty, and had chest pains for the last three days. Now we come to the dumbass part. Forget that the entire time the fella had chest pains, he continued to smoke his two and a half packs a day. Let's focus on the family. After boo hooing because their father/brother/husband/son was in a serious condition and after being told that he was stable after having multiple stents placed in the arteries of his heart but he still may have to have his chest cracked, I overheard this conversation in the elevator while taking the stretcher back to the ER.
Mom - "Thank God he is going to be alright. He told me he was going to quit smoking now."
Brother - "Yeah, I'm sure it was the cigarettes that caused him all of this trouble."
Son - "Well, he has had his last one, no more for him. Who wants to get some breakfast?"
Wife - "That sounds good. I'm pretty hungry, but I want to smoke first. Anybody else?"
They all made sounds in the affirmative and followed her outside.
I guess it hits home for me because my step-Dad had open heart a couple of years ago. He lost his Dad and couple of his brothers to heart disease. Post-op, his doctor had a discussion with him. He didn't tell him to eat right or exercise. The doctor didn't harp on his cholesterol levels or his genetic predisposition for heart disease. He looked straight at him and said "If you don't stop smoking, you will die."
My siblings and I suspect that step-Dad still smokes. I know he has struggled with it. He smoked his entire life, from the time he was thirteen. But I have personally seen his sisters blow smoke in his face while telling him that he has to quit. Mom (long since divorced from step-Dad) is a heavy smoker and subscribes to the denial/conspiracy theory. She will tell me to my face that smoking isn't detrimental. That it doesn't cause heart disease, emphysema, cancer, low birth weights, or peripheral vascular disease. When I bring up research to the contrary (I mean, I learned SOMETHING in nursing school, right?), she then flips over to some garbage about the government or a left wing organization trying to paint tobacco in a poor light for their own political/monetary reasons. I haven't called her a dumbass to her face, but I've thought it.
I have a little more respect for those that say, "I smoke, I know it's bad for me, may even kill me, but I like it." At least they are grounded in reality. I dunno, obviously I'm not a smoker, so I can only guess how powerful the addiction is. I do know that I finally told step-Dad "You have been told, you have been warned. I'm going to miss you, but I can't be very sympathetic because you can't breathe." Then I topped it with "Your grand-kids are gonna miss you."
Call me cruel.
People just don't get it, do they?
ReplyDeleteI'm really gonna miss kissing your sweet lips someday.
It's not cruel. My husband has been smoking since he was 15 (now 40) and I've been trying to get him to stop for the last 10 years. I don't smoke and never have...maybe periphally some when I was in college but it never "caught" on. I constantly ask him to please do it for his kids and he's like, "You just don't understand how hard it is." Yeah,I DO understand how hard kicking an addiction is and the first step is to try. He doesn't even try or even think about trying.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, when you have an addiction and people tell you that they're going to miss you or will you please stop doing it for them, it really goes right over your head. It's so powerful that nothing is a big enough incentive to make you want to stop(not even your own death...trust me on that one...) unless YOU, YOURSELF, decide, "I don't want to do this anymore. I want to stop."
Anyway, I'll jump off my soapbox now. I just get so tired of people who smoke saying, "Oh, you don't know how hard it is(because I've never smoked and supposedly that's worse than ANY drug addiction EVER...Yeah right.) I'm addicted." And yeah, I DO know how hard it is. Quiting an addiction is a test of character and will. And if you choose not to quit, then I don't feel sorry for you if you die. I'll just be pissed off at you because you didn't care enough to TRY.
I'm shutting up now;)
I don't smoke, but I do know it's a powerful addiction. Quitting any addiction isn't just about someone's will/desire/want, it's chemical as well. You have to have the three components of quitting an addiction in place before you can even think about proceeding... even with that said, I tend to be disgusted with these people, mostly because I DO NOT have an addiction, it's easy for me to judge their actions.
ReplyDeleteI always thought it was ironic, the amount of RESPIRATORY therapists who smoke.... just like all the FAT dieticians, pyromaniac firefighters and drug dealing pharmacists!
Jordan - job security?
ReplyDeleteMy dad smoked from his young army days till I was about 8 (maybe 12 years?). You'd think he'd quit after he burned me with a cigarette on accident when I was 4. I can still feel the crazy pain and see the ashes burned into my arm. You'd think he'd quit when I was 6, after I dissected all his cigarettes in the open pack and left a pile of tobacco, a pile of paper, a pile of cottony filters, and I explained it was to save his life because we learned in school that smoking kills and I wanted my daddy to live. But no, he quit cold turkey a couple years after that cuz my mom wouldn't shut up about it and he got tired of hearing it. Never unestimate the power of nagging. :)
So you are Bat, the husband of flat coke. Both great blogs.
ReplyDeleteBoth my kids smoke and its heartbreaking to watch. An addiction harder to kick then heroine.
WHOAH! Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I am Bat, the lucky boyfriend of Flat. sheesh, like I don't hear it enough from my Mom.
ReplyDeleteJust talked to the girlfriend
ReplyDeleteShe wants you to buy her a diamond rock.
Oh ya, one more thing, wanna come over and see my daughter Raymis ass?
ReplyDeleteOn how many levels are you trying to get me in trouble????
ReplyDeletetee hee...you two crack me up.
ReplyDeleteOK, I'll say it: I smoke. I know it's bad for me, and will eventually kill me if I don't quit. I don't necessarily LIKE smoking, but I am not ready to quit at this time and NO AMOUNT of nagging from a non-never-did-smoker can change that.
ReplyDeleteSomeday I am sure I will attempt to quit again (I quit with each pregnancy, and STUPIDLY picked it up again after giving birth) and I know I should quit. But KNOWING I should and doing it are miles apart.
When I am ready...