Sunday, June 24, 2007


Again, it's been awhile. What can I say? Life makes you busy sometimes. However, yesterday, neither The Girlfriend nor I were on call. She really wanted to go to the Jeff Fisher and Friends Charity Softball Game at seven in the evening, and I wanted to go to Flugtag down on the river front in the afternoon. Being the super compromisers (I know it really isn't a word thank you) that we are, we did both! I will let her tell you about the softball game. Here are my recollections of Flugtag. When the first thing you see after getting out of the car is The Oscar Myer Wienermobile, you know it's gonna be a good day. We made our way to the river and got ourselves a beer and some chicken on the stick. Quote of the day? "That's the best damn chicken on a stick I've ever had!" When pressed, The Girlfriend admitted that it was the first time she had ever had chicken on a stick.
At any rate, we found ourselves a spot and settled down. I'm not even gonna try to explain Flugtag, go to the website. First up was the Tennessee Titans entry. They quickly went into the Cumberland river. The crowd went nuts!

Cigars, rockets, planes and even a Rubik's cube went off the edge. My personal favorite was a pink car ridden by an Elvis impersonator. The big news concerned a team called "Rocky Top Rocket" that set a North American Flugtag record, flying 155 feet to shatter the old record of 81 feet. Their entry consisted of a giant banjo with a wing on top. As it went over the edge, the wing separated from the banjo and glided well beyond the former record. After all of the excitement, we went home and took a nap before the softball game. Check out The Girlfriend's blog if you are interested in how the rest of our day went.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The flying ELVI (plural I'm told) was the best!!! They even went off the side of the barge playing "A Little Less Conversation"!!!

  2. I loved the flying ELVI! Easily the best of the day. Second to that was people watching. What a crowd!

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

  4. Dos tacos por favor? Ummmm....yeah, I really read Spanish very well, but I'm guessing that rodrigo just left spam anyway.

  5. I have been to Flug Tag!!! In Miami about 2-3 years ago. It was a drunk fest. I was drinking "juice" from containers belonging to people I didn't know. The actual "flying" was so funny I swear I peed a little from laughter!!! It is a good time. I recommend it to anyone who can go.

  6. Sounds like tons of fun! You two are such a cute couple! I love it that you are always out and about! Continue to have fun! I haven't had chicken on a stick either!
