You may have already read
The Girlfriend's blog and if you have, you know how the weekend was spent. Two other couples and us went to a place called "The Agave Tequila Lounge." It's supposed to imitate some of the high end places that have apparantly become popular on the west coast. They advertise "150 different tequilas and light Mexican fare." Light Mexican fare is mostly tacos and quesadillas. As for the tequila? I've decided that it's much like vodka. Tequila is tequila. I don't care how long it's been aged or in what kind of barrels. I tried six different tequilas ranging from Anejo (aged over a year) to silver (fresh out of the distillary). They pretty much tasted the same although some weren't quite as smooth. Now I have never claimed to have a sophisticated palate, but I do enjoy bourbons and single malt scotches. I can tell the differences from brand to brand and like sitting and sipping a glass of Glenlivet or Woodford. Tequila? It's for margarita's and shots. Save your money. Just buy a bottle of Two Fingers and some limes and go to town. Final talley? Six people, four hundred dollar tab, zero drunks. Tequila has that weird effect on me. I can't get enough down to get hammered. Not to say that the goal is to become plastered, but if I drop a c-note, I expect a good buzz.
I wanted to finish the night off with a shot of mezcal and knocking back the worm.
The Girlfriend looked me in the eye and said "If you eat the worm, no blowjob for you." One worm saved.
Maybe that should be my new motto "SAVE THE WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"