I arrived in L.A. without incident, Jordan and Cindy picked me up from the airport. It was raining and the temp was only a shade under sixty degrees, but anything warmer than the butt numbing temps we had in Smashville was welcome. Cindy had asked if I needed to freshen up (what? I had to check and make sure I hadn't grown a vag) or was I ready for some dinner. I responded positively to the thought of food and we met Cindy's husband at a sushi restaurant.
Now, let me just say, I like sushi and I thought I had eaten some pretty good sushi in the past, but this stuff was like manna from heaven. Each piece of fish was smooth and buttery with flavors that just exploded in your mouth. Soy sauce, wasabi, all of that stuff was unnecessary. It was just too much to describe, but now I know I have truly had good sushi. Cindy's friend Dwaine met us at the restaurant and we all went back to Cindy's pad for more drinks and some bullshitting.

In this picture I'm apparently explaining quantum mechanics to Dwaine and Cindy is completely agreeing with me (as she always does).
The next day we drove over to Long Beach. On the way, we stopped at Duke's to eat. Say what you want about Cindy, but she makes sure a fella gets fed. We ended up at an area called "The Pike". Jordan insisted that I ride the Ferris wheel there even though I begged them not to make me 'cause I don't like heights. Crap, I forgot to mention that Cindy's friends James and Vanessa met us there. Both of them are very nice people and Vanessa is quite the looker, the pictures I had seen before didn't do her justice. Here is one I took on the Ferris wheel. No wonder everybody is in love with her.
I survived my brush with death (seriously, I hate heights) and we all went to Bubba Gump's for dinner (food again, I ate like a pig). Afterwards, Vanessa had to leave us, but the rest of the group went to a place called The Mai Tai Bar. After one or two beers, I apparently went into Tucker Max mode and began to make fun of the other patrons. I hope I didn't cause to much of a scene.
The next day, we drove down to San Diego for brunch and Sea World. Brunch was at a place called Tom Hamm's Lighthouse where I promptly sexually assaulted a cannon sitting out front.Cindy and Jordan say that this is my go to pose, but I have no idea what they are talking about. After a great brunch, we did the Sea World thing. I've been to Sea World in Florida several times, but I've never seen Shamu's show. It was pretty spectacular. The orcas are beautiful and very graceful.
On the way back to L.A., I was introduced to In-N-Out Burger (food!). Worth the trip. Unfortunately, by this time, I was coming down with my obligatory travel cold. I always get sick when I travel, and this trip was no exception. I tried to ward it off by taking prodigious amounts of Airborne and alcohol, but I'm guessing I didn't drink enough because by the time I got on the plane for NYC, I was blowing snot bubbles and hacking my lungs up. Sorry fellow travelers. After a long day of travel on Monday, I made it to NYC, but I'm gonna save that for the next post.
Oh great... you have a pic of me bitting my nails. A terrible habit, but it's been with me since I was little.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment! I was just getting over a cold, so felt like my face was swollen from all the congestion. haha! You were a good sport for getting on the ferris wheel. Good thing it didn't move much.
Have fun in NYC :) And takes lots of vitamin C, fluids, and rest for your cold. Does you hotel have a steam room? That helps too.
Awesome. I'll just link to your post so I don't have to write on the weekend. :)
ReplyDeleteThat's kinda lazy isn't it?
ReplyDeleteit's very lazy. so I should actually start blogging again and paste your entire post as my first entry.
You failed to mention how terribly mean you were to me the entire time!