Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sooo Busy

Gosh, where does the time go? I've been very busy lately. Memorial Day weekend, I drove to Kitten's to hang out. We had a blast, but didn't do anything special. Mostly just spent time together. We did buy a smoker and make "Bacon Explosion". Let me tell you, "Bacon Explosion" is worth the one or two years it takes off of your life. The basic ingredients? Two pounds of Italian sausage and two pounds of bacon. I got the recipe from the Today show. Look it up if you feel you don't get enough red meat in your diet.

I drove back to Kitten's this weekend. She had an elective procedure done on Friday and I wanted to be there to take care of her. I kidded her, but she was actually a good patient. She is up and feeling much better now, so maybe I did some good.

I got a phone call from the travel company I'm trying to use. They found a job for me in Cheyenne, WY. Not exactly the urban center I was looking for and waaaaaayyyy to far away from Kitten, so I told them to keep looking.

There is more, but I just got off of the road so I'm tired. :P

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