Tuesday, October 05, 2010


No, not mine! I went to a friend's weddding in Nashville last weekend. I had a fantastic time, they had a beautiful wedding and the reception was a blast. I hope these two do well. Like any couple, they have had their ups and downs, but neither abandoned the other and they stuck it out until they decided they would always stick it out. I'm not a big fan of marriage myself, I don't see the point. If you trust each other and believe in your commitment to each other, why get the government involved?

I'm not stupid enough to believe that everybody feels the same way. I can understand if kids are involved. I think it does make it harder on the children when they aren't in a traditional family setting. I didn't say it was right, it just is.

At any rate, I hope my two friends have a long and happy marriage and I was glad I could be there to share their special day with them.

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