Wednesday, January 19, 2011


If you got here from Kitten's blog, then you know what's afoot. The short story is that we flew down to Tampa for the weekend just to get away and scope out some neighborhoods. In the process, we found a house. Kitten and I didn't really say to much about it, but it kept coming up in conversation. Finally, I asked her "Are we excited because we just spent time in Florida? Or are we excited about the house?" We decided we were excited about the house! So what do we do? We decided to make an offer.
The house doesn't look like much from the front really. Your eye is drawn to the huge live oak with the Spanish moss on it. When you walk inside, it turns out that the Brady Bunch must have lived here at one time! It's very 70s, but very cool. No shag carpet. It has terrazzo floors.I don't really know the correct descriptive terms for it. I'm decorating deficient. The entry was quite cool too.There is much more to the house and we are very excited about it. Of course, there is the little matter of the house being in another state. Kitten is listing her house, checking on new jobs, and trying to figure out what to do with her offspring. If we are lucky, we will soon be Florida residents.


  1. Looks really cool! I hope it works out for y'all. :)

  2. I don't know why I come here every day. *sigh*
