Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Your Mom Is Funny When She Is Stoned

Ok, basically I have a new roommate. I took Mom to the Dr. on Monday. He checked her out very quickly, said the same thing that I've been saying for two weeks and immediately got her an appointment for an MRI. Unfortunately, her pain meds had worn off and she was unable to lie still on the table. So we are back to square one. She needs the MRI before the doc can decide on a course of treatment. The soonest they can get her back in is Thursday, then she has to see the doc again and then they have to decide her treatment. IF she has to have surgery, I guess she is gonna be staying with me for a month or so. We shall see.

The bright side? I have her stoned out of her gourd on demerol. Sunday night, I cooked dinner for her and LMRP. Then they MADE me watch "Dancing With The Stars." (I swear I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a spork.) The were showing one couple dancing to the song "Save A Horse" by Big & Rich. They get to the chorus and Mom flops her head over the side of the couch and says ....."What are they singing?"

"What's that Mom?"

"I can't understand what they are singing."

"They are saying 'Save a horse, ride a cowboy' Mom." She had my attention at this point.

"Oh." Then there was a five minute pause before she said, "I thought they were singing 'Save a WHORE, ride a cowboy'" LMRP starts to giggle. Mom pauses for another couple of minutes......"Is that song from that Brokeback Mountain movie?"

I promptly gave her another 100mg of Demerol as a reward.


  1. LMAO!!

    Gotta love mom!

    (oh, and you rock for taking care of her like this)

  2. OK, that's just awesome! And good luck with everything.

  3. Chunk, you're a good son. You may insert a giggle here :)

  4. Very funny Chunk's Mama;) Hey, can you send some of that demerol my way, cause that is my very favoritist drug ever! just sayin...you know...if you have any extra...;) i've got a really bad pain in my back....no REALLY!;O

  5. this is now the second time i have heard of this show dancing with the stars - dude, swear they tell me it's been on for two years... never heard of it.
    i think i would gouge too

  6. To funny, sending her well wishes!

  7. •♥•m•♥•10:45 PM

    OMG! Gotta love stoned people...but when its your mom....PRICELESS!

    U are a saint too .....such a good boy! (((takes out pen and adds little stars to chunks)))
