Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Return Of My Baby's Momma

Alright sports fans, Shari left a message on my machine today. She had to leave a message because when I saw who was calling, I was sooooooooo not up for that conversation. (I know, I hate pricks that screen their calls too, but I couldn't help it.) The long and the short of the message was "I'm moving back to California next week and I was wondering if you wanted to see the baby before I left." Right. I'm trying to decide if I should return the call. If I don't, I just know that she is gonna show up at my door with the little skirt puller. It really is getting to the point where I, the eternal agnostic, am saying a little prayer before sleep every night. "God, please eliminate the drama from my life."

*Edit: Just to be clear....THIS IS NOT MY CHILD!!!


Anonymous Darkneuro said...

Return the call, meet in the local Denny's, make it REEEEAAAAALLL short. If you don't call, she'll show up anyway, and this way you at least have the control over the situation. Plus side is it's a public place with guaranteed public.

6:04 PM  
Anonymous MamaKBear said...

You do want to return this call...No telling when you'll have a chance to see the baby again.

I agree with the above suggestion...sounds like a plan.

12:43 AM  
Anonymous BTExpress said...

Aw come on. See the kid, what harm can it do? ;-)

2:50 AM  
Anonymous .- said...

don't answer the door

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Monalicious said...

Run. Hide. She is a nutcase. That's my own professional opinion.

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Rachel said...

LOL, awwww you are so lucky. ;)

I think you need to go with what we discussed. And then, put it out of your mind.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Carrie said...

if she's going to show up anyway...just get it over with. sounds scary as happy she is moving to california. ugh.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Mel said...

Well, like mitzzee said, be happy she's moving to Cali. But like mamakbear said, you gotta meet her and it's probably better to do it in public than at your house.

8:58 PM  
Anonymous MamaKBear said...

Ahhh well, now see...ya shouldn't have referred to her as "MY baby's Momma" in the title then, huh? Just confused us all.

Since it's NOT your child, that puts a whole different take on things. You have NO obligation to meet this woman if you don't want to. I posted what I did before because I was under the impression that this was your baby.

But anyway...for whatever reason, if you do decide to see the baby before this woman moves to Cali, then by all means do it in a public place. Unless you are comfortable going to her place, or her coming to yours. It's entirely up to you! Good luck!

1:38 AM  
Anonymous Mel said...

Wait a minute, we ARE talking about a dog right? It seems like I remember this story from way back.

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Mel said...

Okay dammit;) I remembered the part about her going and buying the puppy like a dumbass, but completely forgot about the pregnancy thing. Honey, I've only got one thing to say..."RUN LIKE HELL!! DON'T ANSWER HER MESSAGES AND IF SHE KNOCKS ON YOUR DOOR, HIDE IN THE CLOSET!!" K?;D

5:58 PM  
Anonymous shhhh said...

If this were a sitcom, you'd agree to see her, pretend to be sad she was moving to Cali and look like a nice guy, but then she'd tell you that you had just convinced her to stay.

My opinion? Don't even meet. She needs to get the hint big time.

By the way, and this is just me here, was the sex good at least?

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Bat said...

shhhh: What difference does it make? Great sex is NEVER worth high drama.

7:05 AM  
Anonymous Tish said...

Hehehe, Chunk, you crack me up. *Some* of my rules might be negotiable, but of course I'm not going to advertise that. ;)

I hope you're having an awesome day!

And what's a hunk like you doing single? Or are you indeed single? LOL. Take care!

8:09 AM  
Anonymous DanjerusKurves said...

She's probably not moving to California anyway!

1:50 PM  
Anonymous shhhh said...


I totally agree with you on that point. I was just kidding about that.

Best of luck with the saga.

2:09 AM  
Anonymous Chrissie said...

SO what happened? did you see her? AND? did she move?

2:17 AM  

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