It's the first of September which means a couple of things. First, fall is on it's way! We have had record temps here in Nashville this summer. Everything is brown and dry, the air conditioner is screaming for mercy and my balls are so tired of sweating, it isn't even funny. More importantly, the Vols begin their season tonight. Once again they start with Cal and once again Cal is favored. I can only hope that the outcome is the same as last year when Tennessee rolled over California like they were a high school team.
The Girlfriend and I are actually going to next week's game against Southern Mississippi and then the Vols are off to Florida to play the Gators. These first few weeks of the season could define Tennessee for the rest of the year. If they drop both games against Cal and Florida, it will be hard to find a reason to play for the rest of the fall. In addition, Tennessee's starting quarterback, Erik Ainge, has a broken pinkie finger on his throwing hand. Not good news. Everybody wish my team the best and be glad that with the break in the weather I no longer have a severe case of swamp ass.
I haven't noticed your balls being sweaty.
And I ASKED you to refrain from using the word "swamp" around areas where my tongue often are.
I can't believe I'm working tonight of all nights. My Commodores will play without me in attendance and your big game will go on with me sneaking peeks as I pass by the hotel bar's TV frequently and often.
Oh well. There's always highlights later.
Go Dores!
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