Fear The Mullet

Surely everybody is familiar with the mullet. A simple definition is a hairstyle that is short in the front and long in the back. According to the web site http://www.mulletjunky.com/, a legal mullet must be three times longer in the back than in the front. Other names for the hairstyle are: "The Ape Drape," "The Tennessee Waterfall," "The Mud Flap," and "The Achy-Breaky Big-Mistakey."
One of the more recognizable mullets in recent memory was the one sported by David Spade in the movie "Joe Dirt."

Why am I talking about mullets? I ran into the most awesome Joe Dirt mullet at work the other day. An exact replica. And it was a wig. On a seventy year old. You are never to old to rock a mullet.
I can't believe they make mullet wigs, or that people actually buy them, and actually wear them and not as part of a costume, either!
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