Saturday, November 21, 2009

What A Week!

It was a long week, but I made it. I had to work four ten hour shifts in a row for the third week in a row. I went to two hockey games, the Preds played the Sharks and the Devils. Both teams had the best record in there perspective conferences, but the Preds didn't back down. They manhandled the Sharks on Tuesday and beat the Devils in a shootout on Thursday. A good week for hockey.

On a down note, I finally broke all contact with the ex. It's not like I've talked to her on the phone and I haven't seen her at all since August except for the one day at work, but she would text me once a week or so. It was usually small talk, which I had no interest in hearing or something backhanded. Last week she sent me a text thanking me for always making her birthdays special. I texted her back and told her that she was welcome, but my heart was ripped apart by that statement. I made her birthdays so special that she broke up with me for somebody else. I thought I might be overly sensitive about it, but I talked to a few other people about it and one of them responded with "geeze....twisting that knife. Sorry." so I knew I wasn't the only one to see it that way. I decided that I couldn't keep letting her make me feel that way, so when she texted me on Wednesday to say thanks for calling an old co-worker and reassuring her about a procedure she was having, I told her Happy Birthday and said that I needed to talk to her. She asked if I was at work. I replied yes, but I would be home at five-thirty. She texted back and said she didn't know if she would be able to call then, but would soon. Here is where things get ugly for me. My definition of soon apparently differs from hers. I put soon at somewhere in the next twenty-four hours or so. I didn't hear from her that night. Fine. Everybody is busy with work and such. In the meantime, I talked to a somebody that is friends with both of us about it. I wanted to find a nice way to tell the ex that it was hurting me too much to talk to her. Long story short (too late huh?) I'm told there is no rush, the ex would be out of town for the weekend and has said she would talk to me when she got back. News to me. Count 'em. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, then Sunday. So for some people soon means in the next five or six days.

This bothered me for a couple of reasons. First, it meant I would get to spend the whole weekend stewing over it. Not fun. Second, when somebody tells me that they need to talk to me, I don't put them off for almost a week. I assume that it's important enough to spare ten minutes or so in my busy schedule. So I sent her an email. I hate doing that sort of thing by email. It smacks of cowardice, but I wasn't going to let what I needed to say bang around in my head all weekend. So after I let Jiminy peruse the email to make sure that I wasn't being psycho, I sent it. I asked her to not text me, call me, or try to see me. I told her to leave me alone. I will still miss her, but I don't really know her anymore anyway so I'm no worse off. Maybe now, the wounds can heal.


Anonymous Michael said...

Good move. Now that the knife has been removed, you will start to heal. When she texts you again, calls you again or emails you again though, you need to be ruthless and start putting her on ignore or spam lists so this decision sticks.....

4:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you're hurting but assumed the anger would prevail. As a woman, that behavior always helped smother any love, feelings or regrets.....Are any of us following this surprised by her putting you off? I'm not. Were you Bat. Really. That's got to be the last straw. I'm angry and embarrased for the female sex.

4:00 PM  
Blogger Bat said...

I have to admit, it did catch me by surprise. I offered to talk to her later, after her birthday. She made a point of telling me she didn't mind talking to me on her birthday. I will say that it didn't change anything. I had planned on telling her the same thing, it would have just been a whole lot nicer. There would have been "please" and "for me", that kind of stuff, but since she obviously has zero concern for my feelings, I find it harder and harder to worry about hers.

6:00 PM  

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