Sunday, December 06, 2009

And So It Goes

I've mentioned Kris here once or twice. I've been going out with her for a couple of months. She is sweet, kind, laid back, attractive, hard working and has a great sense of humour. As a bonus, she loves my dogs and often brings them treats when she comes over, or at least when she used to come over.

We were supposed to go to her job's Christmas party yesterday, but around noon she sent me an email. Basically she was asking if I was interested in being more than buddies. She said she would feel silly if she thought we were dating and I didn't.

I have always been determined to be honest with her. From the very beginning I told her that it was probably too soon for me to be dating, that my head was some place else. So I told her the truth. I said I thought we were dating because we went out on dates, but, in spite of all of the fun that we have and how much I enjoy her company, I just didn't feel that "spark". You know, the feeling you have when you just can't get enough of somebody. Chemistry I guess.

She took it hard. I've known for a while that she feels differently about me than I do about her. It's been pretty obvious and others have commented on it. She canceled our plans for Saturday night and said she would call me later in the week. I'm not really broken up over it, which says a lot, but I feel bad for hurting her feelings. I know what it's like.

I think I did the right thing. The alternative would have been to basically lie to her and tell her what I knew she wanted to hear. But that would have been disastrous down the road. I hope she finds the person she deserves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have done the right thing. You are a very decent man.

7:04 PM  
Blogger Jane Doe said...

I think you did the right thing. It would have sucked to later find out you just said you wanted to be "dating" because you were being nice.

5:48 PM  

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