Friday, December 04, 2009

Drinking Alone Makes Me Sad

I had a pretty long day at work and my plan for the evening was to have a drink, watch the hockey game and write an amusing anecdote about a trip to Six Flags with my parents when I was a kid.

Well, the bourbon and coke was very strong and it wasn't long before the blues kicked into gear, so I'm going to write about how sad I really am.

I miss so much. I miss her waking up and coming to me all sleepy for her morning hug. I miss the excitement of shopping for her for Christmas. I miss her goofy little dance when she is singing along to her music. I miss the face she makes when somebody mentions Taylor Swift. I miss her tucking me in at night. I miss kissing her after a goal is scored at the hockey game. I miss seeing her smile. I miss her smell. I miss feeling like I belonged to somebody. I miss her pestering me about the next vacation when we haven't taken the one we paid for yet. I miss feeling good about myself when I fix something for her. I miss her saying "oopsie." I miss her love. I miss all of this and more.

I have to keep telling myself that no matter how much I miss her, she is gone. Never coming back. I don't think I've ever been this sad.


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