Thursday, June 09, 2005

F.U.B.A.R. Update

First of all, my fucking dogs locked me out of the house bright and early this morning!!! I went out to turn on the sprinklers, and I'm guessing that the hounds from hell jumped up on the door and hit the dead bolt. I managed to pry open a window without causing too much damage. Damn dogs.

Secondly, my original weekend date called back. She wants to go now and since it's extenuating circumstances (that, and I kinda like her) I decide that I want to take her. Now I'm faced with another problem. I have to call my friend and tell her "thanks for your effort and I appreciate you finding somebody that will drop everything with little notice and go to St. Louis with a complete stranger, but Jessica's services will no longer be needed." I feel like such a huge flake.

I have only cancelled one date in my entire life. Usually I'm the one that gets dropped. It helps a miniscule amount that I don't know Jessica, but I still feel like a shitbag (is shitbag one word or two? maybe it's hyphenated.....shit-bag, no that doesn't look right either). I make it up to Jessica by giving her two extra tickets to the Cardinals/Yankees game on Saturday so she can take her little boy. It costs me, but I feel better about the whole thing.

So next time you pick up a rock, look for me. It's where flaky shitbags belong.

P.S. Spell check does not recognize the word "shitbag"


Anonymous 2bSomeoneElse said...

I have nothing sarcastic to say at all (ok, I do, but I feel bad writing it since you have suffered too much as it is). I will just say this - you better have the best damn weekend of your life after all this.

Have fun, no puking on the roller coasters and catch a fly ball for me, shitbag (one word).

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that must have been some friend...whats up with that? How do you get friends like that? Ones that will bend over backwards to make sure you have what you need...IS this friend female? If so why aren't you dating her>????

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Bat said...


11:43 PM  
Anonymous cisam23 said...

And he's a great shitbag!

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Bat said...

Ignore her, she is biased.

11:49 PM  

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