Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Ty Pennington's Ass Crack

Ty Pennington's Ass Crack Posted by Hello

Ok, take my word for it, that's Ty Penninington's ass crack. I have other pics to prove it, I'm just not at liberty to post them. And I'm afraid of legal action. A friend of mine is somehow working with America's Most Extreme Fuck The Peace Of The Neighborhood Make Overs. The hint I can give is that apparently Spencer whacks Ty in the head with a cabinet in this episode. So look for it. I don't even watch the show, but it isn't everyday somebody sends you a photo of a quasi-celebrity's ass crack.

Now, an update on what's REALLY been going on here. I call myself a serial dater. I date as often as I can because anything is better than sitting at home by yourself all of the time. Don't get me wrong, I like myself. Myself and I get along fairly well, but just being around a member of the opposite sex does wonders for my psyche.

I had been dating a couple of people. The young lady that went to St. Louis with me for one. She is a serious sweetheart. Funny, attractive, self assured. Only...... it takes ninety minutes to get to her house.

The other person I had been seeing very casually. I didn't put much stock in it because she was a real hard ass about it. "I'm not going to get involved, I have priorities, I don't want somebody up my ass, etc." Then she met me for a beer after softball one night. Something changed. Drastically.

The long and the short is that she put my back up against the wall. Not on purpose, but she wasn't interested in sharing me so I had to make a choice. I chose her. She is moving in a couple of months so we don't have much time to see where this is going, but we plan on having a great summer. After that, well, you never know.

Anyway, enjoy Ty's Ass Crack sports fans.


Anonymous 2bSomeoneElse said...

Thanks for sharing the photo - makes me want to go shopping at Sears.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Bat said...

Thats not right

1:50 AM  
Anonymous T.B said...

Not only does he have a narrow skinny booty, but he also has nipple pearcings! T.B

1:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for all you women out there, you know hes hot, now speak up! Don't make fun of ty!!!!!!! You a-hole men!

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Chrissie said...

MMmmm Ty... yummy!

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ty is a serious hottie-I met him at a book signing recently and he took in the club scene afterwards. Great dancer, lowrider jeans, tight tshirt and some seriously rockhard nipples all night!

11:22 PM  

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