Happy Halloween!

I'm not really a holiday kinda guy. I wish they would all just go away. The hustle and bustle, the preparation, the aggravation, all of it makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide until February. Until this last Halloween. The girlfriend probably won't like this post, in fact she will probably make me take it down, but I will tell you about the best Halloween ever.
It was a little chilly last night, I had to work late and didn't get home 'til sevenish, which was fine. It meant that I probably missed most of the trick-o'-treaters. The girlfriend went to her sister's to trick-o'-treat with her niece. I spoke to her about the time I was going home and she said she would be home late and that I should go ahead and eat without her. I heated up some pizza and messed around on the computer and reveled in the fact that the door bell wasn't ringing at all. No Halloween pests at Casa de Bat. Around nine or so the bell rings. Damn! I thought I was going to make it without a single rug rat begging for candy. I thought about ignoring it, but it was persistent so I went to the door, beating the dogs back so that they wouldn't eat one of the little tykes.
I opened the door, got one good look, didn't know what to do or say, and closed the door again. A familiar voice said "Please let me inside, it's chilly out here." I slowly opened the door again. There stood the girlfriend. She was wearing a pink wig, a witches hat, some calf length black boots and........well, that was pretty much it except for the tiny thong and leopard print bra. Bada bing! I hope that everybody else's Halloween ended like mine and everybody got excellent treats like I did.
I hope to one day have a Halloweeen like yours.
Maybe next year!
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