Monday, September 28, 2009

An Interesting Five Day Weekend

Nothing turns out quite like you expect it to, ya know. Thursday went pretty much as planned. I joined the YMCA around the corner. It was much nicer on the inside than the outside as well as much larger. I got in a good workout and felt pretty good the rest of the day. That night, I went to Dan McGuiness with a couple of co-workers and knocked back a couple of black and tans.

Friday morning, I worked out again, but the only thing I had to do that evening was meet Cindy around three at the airport. Turned out that L, whom I went to high school with, was driving to Nashville to fly to Denver for the weekend and her plane was gonna leave at three. So, plans were made to meet her first for a drink, then put her on a plane and meet Cindy for the drink I owed her (lost bet). When I got the airport at about two, I texted and asked if she was still up for it. She said she wasn't going to be able to work it out, so I wished her a safe trip and settled into Tootsie's for a beer.

It was good to see Cindy. We chatted a bit, she drank her Citron and tonic and tried to take a couple of pictures of us (I think I looked terrible, but I don't blame her skills). I look at my watch and say we should get her to security, but she hits me back with "Oh, there is plenty of time." We finish our drinks and I walk her to the concourse, give her a hug and wave her off to Florida. Let the shenanigans begin.

I'm walking out of the airport when my phone rings. It's L and she asks, "are you still here?" I say that I'm just walking out and she tells me that her flight has been delayed and they are saying that she will miss her connecting flight in Minnesota. They don't seem to sure if it's a weather problem or a mechanical problem. She has decided not to go, because she doesn't want to get stranded. I say "great, we can go do something. Dinner and drinks maybe." That's when things get really interesting. She tells me that the friend that was traveling (but flew out already on a different airline) with her has her car keys. I ask a few questions and not only does she have her car keys, but for some reason, L decided to check her luggage with her girlfriend's, so she has nothing but her phone and her wallet. L says she can probably catch a ride back to Memphis on Sunday. (side note, I suggested getting another key, but she didn't want to strand her friend that was coming back on Tuesday). Being the nice guy that I am, I immediately offer refuge at my house. Suddenly I have a house guest all weekend!

In the meantime, I get a text from Cindy telling me that the entire plane was waiting on her! They were paging her overhead. Nice. I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. Then she got in trouble for using her phone on the plane. Poor Cindy.

I have to take L to Wal-Mart so she can buy a toothbrush, drawers, make up, etc. It's pretty interesting to see what a woman considers absolutely essential for two days!

It was nice to have somebody to talk to, but the poor girl snores like a freight train. Her little 95 lb frame puts out enough noise to rival a herd of stampeding elephants. We hung out, went to go see "The Informant" (it sucked) and had dinner with a friend of ours and his wife Saturday night. Sunday rolls around and it turns out that her ride to Memphis hasn't come through. Again, being the nice guy that I am, I offer to take her back. She managed to get somebody to meet us in Jackson, which is about half way, so that wasn't too bad. Poor girl. I haven't talked to her since. I hope she got her car back.

Today, I worked out again and went downtown for lunch. A decent weekend, but it just goes to show, the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry!


Anonymous cindy said...

1.) My flight leaving you wanted to leave EARLY. I was exactly on time, not late.
2.) You should be flattered that I maximized time with you at the expense of an entire plane of passengers. How special do you feel now? Besides, you were trying to get rid of me at the 15 minute mark. I flew all the way from California! And the waitress was totally slow, both in getting the drink order and in getting the tab. You had to flag her down twice.
3.) I hope L doesn't have this blog addy, what with the way you described her snoring.
4.) I believe the correct ending to your Robert Burns quote is "...gang aft agley." =P

2:10 PM  
Blogger Bat said...

Uhhh, thanks for the correction.

12:06 AM  

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