Thursday, August 27, 2009

How About A Non Ex Girlfriend Post?

I finally got cable and internet! Woohoo!!! It was tough trying to post with my iPhone, my thumbs are too damn fat. I'm mostly unpacked, gotta hang stuff. Still need to by some furniture, but I'm getting settled. Even the dogs are doing better. I guess they are getting used to it.

I reconnected with an old (as in almost 15 years ago) girlfriend via Facebook today. Had a nice conversation and it was interesting to note that she hadn't really changed a bit. The thing I've noticed with getting back in touch with old friends that you haven't talked to in a while is that after you catch up, it's hard to find anything else to talk about. On Facebook, I basically have a three paragraph synopsis of my life that I repeat when I'm asked, "What have you been doing all of this time." After those pleasantries are exchanged, it doesn't take long to realize why you don't talk to them on a regular basis.

I was invited to play cards this weekend, I'm debating on whether or not to go. I know this co-worker is trying to help, but I question the intelligence of making new friends right now. There is only one thing I really want to talk about, and that's no way to start a friendship. And even if I discuss anything else about my life, I can't see how I can delete what I'm going through right now. How do I get around "When we went to New York, we did this."? Yeah, I could just change pronouns, but the same question gets asked eventually, "Who did you go with?" and then everything spirals down into me discussing the break up. Even on this blog I had intended to change the subject, but here I am, talking about the same thing.


Anonymous cindy said...

...which is why you should take my earlier advice and pick up some hobbies, like running a 5K! Then people you meet there will already have something in common w/you to talk about, and you've created a new topic all your own to talk about with existing people in your life. You feel better from the exercise, your dogs get a jogging partner, and you get healthier physically and psychologically.

You're not gonna do it, are you?

3:40 AM  
Anonymous Reina Sofia said...

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7:58 PM  

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